October 15, 2024

Help Stop a Potential Ban on Hemp Products in Ohio

Ohio may be poised to ban almost all hemp products currently sold in the state.

When the Ohio Senate returns after the November election, it is expected to take action on legislation that would ban intoxicating hemp products. Even worse, based on language previously supported by the Senate, the effort could wipe out almost all of the industry’s products in the state, including many non-intoxicating hemp products.

As you may recall, last December, the Ohio Senate inserted language in H.B. 86 that essentially banned any hemp products with more than .5 mg/serving or more than 2 mg/package of any THC.  These extreme limits would have banned almost all hemp products regardless of their intoxicating nature. The Roundtable quickly jumped in to oppose that language and the Ohio House of Representatives did not take final action on the proposal.

Throughout this year, we have continued to express support for regulations, including testing, labeling and other similar requirements, as well as age restrictions on the sale of intoxicating products. Despite our efforts to contribute to a real solution that keeps hemp products on the shelf, especially for adult consumers, we may be back at square one.
Senate President Matt Huffman recently called for renewed action on this issue, saying that he wants to see something done with intoxicating hemp products before session ends in December. He told Gongwer News Service in Ohio that he wants to ban non-regulated THC products, like Delta-8 and related synthetics. “These products have no regulation, are being sold in gas stations and 7-Elevens and there’s no age limits,” he said.

Given that Ohio Governor Mike DeWine has already expressed support for a ban on similar products, the threat is real and urgent! 

We need you to contact your state legislators today and tell them that banning hemp products isn’t a workable solution.  

If you live in Ohio, we’ve made it easy, you can contact your representatives in a matter of seconds using the link below.  If you don’t live in Ohio, please share this alert with any and all of your contacts in the Buckeye State.