September 26, 2018

Big Mo in Michigan

This summer, the hemp world was rocked by news from Michigan – a state agency had declared illegal the retail sale of hemp-derived CBD. Unsurprisingly, a public outcry ensued, leading the agency to delay enforcement action and public officials to call for remedial action.

As we’ve seen all across the country, a few hemp heroes emerged: State House Majority Floor Leader Dan Lauwers and State Rep. Steven Johnson, who introduced House Bill 6330 which dramatically expands Michigan’s hemp program, and House Bill 6331 which clarifies that popular products such as hemp-derived CBD should not be treated as controlled substances.

Today, the Michigan House of Representatives Committee on Agriculture held a hearing on both bills. The US Hemp Roundtable’s General Counsel, Jonathan Miller, testified in favor of these bills and was well received by the committee. Jonathan’s testimony — which you can watch below — clarified some common misunderstandings about hemp’s legality and demonstrated the long term vibrancy of the industry for US farmers and small businesses.

Jonathan also reported from Lansing using Facebook Live here. If you are not following us yet on Facebook and Twitter, you are missing out on valuable, timely news — be sure to sign up today.