
Help Stop an Effort to Elimate Broad and Full Spectrum Hemp Products

LB999 would upend Nebraska’s hemp laws as we know it. Of key concern, the bill would eliminate protections for hemp-derived products that contain any cannabinoids other than CBD, including non-intoxicating broad spectrum and full spectrum products. This change to the law, among others, would be devastating for Nebraska hemp farmers and businesses and would cause immediate regulatory uncertainty.


Please use our State Action Center to urge lawmakers to protect hemp farmers and businesses and maintain Nebraska’s hemp laws. Our technology makes it super easy. Once you input your zip code, the appropriate email or state petition will populate—with your legislators’ office already identified and an editable message prepared. With a simple click of the button, lawmakers will hear your voice loud and clear.

Even if you aren’t a Nebraska resident or business, please share this page with your friends, colleagues, customers, and social media contacts in the state. Help us build our Hemp Supporter armies to assist us in these battles, which have a national impact.

Step 1: Send a Letter