February 29, 2020

3 New State Hemp Bills Need Our Help!

3 New State Hemp Bills Need Our Help!

This week, we’re highlighting 3 new state hemp bills that need our help, including a tax credit bill that may be the first of its kind!

State Alert:


SF 2380 is a huge step forward for CBD in the Hawkeye State. It allows for the retail sale of consumable hemp products, including products sold as human or animal food or dietary supplements. It also makes clear that hemp products may be imported from other states and sold regardless whether they are approved by the FDA. If this bill becomes law, there will be no confusion that the retail sale of CBD is legal in Iowa! The bill is in stark contrast to HSB 646, which requires that hemp products be produced in compliance with USDA’s Interim Final Rule and sold in compliance with the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, and which we asked Hemp Supporters to mobilize against in our update two weeks ago. Iowa Hemp Supporters are encouraged to use our State Action Center to urge state legislators to support SF 2380 and defeat HSB 646.

State Alert:

South Carolina

HB 5244 makes an important change to South Carolina’s definition of hemp products. It deletes the exclusion of unprocessed or raw hemp material from the definition. The bill also requires the Department of Agriculture to issue ID cards to a hemp licensee’s employees involved in producing hemp at no cost to the employee. We think this will reduce the risk of enforcement action against employees. South Carolina Hemp Supporters are encouraged to use our State Action Center to urge state legislators to support HB 5244.

State Alert:

West Virginia

West Virginia is plowing new ground with SB 63, which creates a five-year tax credit for capital expenditures for hemp manufacturing (up to 50%)! We think this bill is the first of its kind and a clear model for other states to follow. If nothing else, it is a welcome signal that capital improvements for hemp manufacturing are economically vital and to be incentivized. West Virginia Hemp Supporters are encouraged to use our State Action Center to urge state legislators to support SB 63.