September 08, 2020

ACTION ALERT: Help Urge Support for H.R. 8179!

U.S. Hemp Roundtable

Hemp Supporters, there’s never been a more urgent opportunity to support CBD on Capitol Hill. We need your help TODAY!

As we proudly announced Friday, hemp heroes Rep. Kurt Schrader (D-OR) and Rep. Morgan Griffith (R-VA) just introduced H.R. 8179, The Hemp and Hemp-Derived CBD Consumer Protection and Market Stabilization Act of 2020.

If passed, H.R. 8179 would ensure that hemp-derived CBD, and other non-intoxicating hemp ingredients, could be lawfully marketed as dietary supplements. The bill would require CBD and hemp extract product manufacturers to comply with the entire existing comprehensive regulatory framework for dietary supplements, which ensures that the products are deemed safe, properly labeled, and prepared utilizing Good Manufacturing Practices. Passage would also help stabilize the hemp markets, open up a promising economic opportunity for U.S. agriculture and honor our commitment made to farmers in the 2018 Farm Bill.

Check out our comprehensive white paper on H.R. 8179.

It’s no wonder that H.R. 8179 is supported by a consensus of the hemp and dietary supplement industries, as well as major national retail and farming organizations. Click here to check out our growing list of endorsements.

Reps. Schrader and Griffith need your help TODAY. Please contact your U.S. Representative today to urge him or her to co-sponsor H.R. 8179.

Our online Action Center makes it super easy. Simply click here, fill out our form, and a message pops up with your Congressperson’s email address.

Please contact your Representative TODAY. Together we can ensure that hemp farmers, small business and CBD consumers can benefit from these amazing products.