June 21, 2018
ACTION ALERT: House Farm Bill Passes – Contact Your Senators TODAY!

Just now, the U.S. House of Representatives passed its version of the 2018 Farm Bill, after resolving an unrelated intra-party dispute about immigration. As expected, there are no significant hemp provisions in the bill. Not to worry: As discussed, the strategy of our Congressional supporters is to pass a hemp-friendly Senate bill, and resolve the differences in the upcoming House-Senate conference, where we are very hopeful that our friends such as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will prevail. However, this makes it even more urgent for us to ensure that the Hemp Farming Act provisions — which would permanently legalize hemp and hemp products — are retained in full when the full Senate votes on the Farm Bill, likely next week. Please act now. Go to our online portal NOW and urge your Senators to block any effort to weaken hemp protections in the Farm Bill, such as the misguided Grassley Amendment. As always, please share this message with your friends, colleagues, customers and social media contacts. Let the Senate hear with a loud voice that it is time to permanently legalize hemp.