December 10, 2019
Big Victory in NY – Thanks to you!

We are very excited to report that yesterday, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed legislation to provide for a sound regulatory framework for the growth of hemp and the sale of hemp products in the Empire State.
Click here to review the bill and here to read the Governor’s approval message.
This represents a very happy ending to a long and arduous process. As detailed here, the New York legislature was poised to pass a well-intentioned, but flawed bill that would have placed onerous administrative burdens on hemp farmers and small businesses, and resulted in a de facto ban of out of state hemp products. Thousands of you emailed your legislators (including Mark Ruffalo!). Legislators ultimately passed the bill, but agreed to work with the Governor and the industry to improve it through a process called “chapter amendments.”
After consulting with stakeholders, the Roundtable issued a very detailed proposal on how to improve the bill.
New York policy makers listened. And the final bill signed by the Governor is a huge improvement — one that will be a boon to New York hemp farmers and consumers of hemp products like CBD.
Big thanks are owed to Governor Cuomo and the bill’s legislative sponsors, Senator Jen Metzger and Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo. True leaders listen, compromise and develop meaningful policy decisions.
And big thanks are owed to all of you who raised your voices to improve this bill. When we share the facts, we win!