March 07, 2019
Big Win in Wyoming for Hemp

State legislatures across the country are in session this winter, and many are considering legislation that would expand hemp production and/or ensure the legality of the sale of hemp products such as cannabidiol (CBD). Yesterday, we put a big “W” on the board in Wyoming. Governor Mark Gordon signed into lawHouse Bill No. HB0171, which was drafted to recognize hemp as an agricultural crop in Wyoming, remove it from classification as a controlled substance, and allow without restriction the possession, purchase, sale, transportation and use of hemp and hemp products by any person. The new law defines hemp or a hemp product as does the 2018 Farm Bill, sweeping in CBD and other hemp extracts and cannabinoids:
“[A]ll parts, seeds and varieties of the plant cannabis sativa 1., whether growing or not, or a product, derivative, extract, cannabinoid, isomer, acid, salt or salt of isomer made from that plant with a [tetrahydrocannabinol, the psychoactive component of the cannabis plant, with the scientific name trans-delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (“THC”)] concentration of not more than three-tenths of one percent (0.3%) on a dry weight basis when using post-decarboxylation or another similarly reliable testing method.
Importantly, the new law also specifically allows for the transportation of hemp or hemp products that were not specifically produced or created within the State by adopting the language “the possession, purchase, sale, transportation and use of hemp and hemp products by any person is allowable without restriction.” Much gratitude is owed to:
Zilis, a US Hemp Roundtable board member, who financed the lobbying effort that helped secure passage of the bill. Thanks also to all Hemp Supporters who answered our charge to contact their state legislators to support the effort. Proving once again – when we share our voices, we win.