May 21, 2021

Free Webinar Announcement: Navigating Regulations in the Hemp Industry

Free Webinar Announcement: Navigating Regulations in the Hemp Industry

The U.S. Hemp Roundtable, alongside the Minority Cannabis Business Association, hosts…

Navigating Regulations in the Hemp Industry: A complimentary webinar for small and minority-owned hemp companies on June 22, 2021, 2-3PM EDT.

Be sure to reserve your seat ASAP.

With growing awareness of the inequities and deep-rooted systemic effects of racism within society and the hemp industry in particular — as well as the counsel of the Minority Cannabis Business Association (MCBA) — the U.S. Hemp Roundtable (USHR) formed a Minority Empowerment Committee (MEC) to support minority hemp businesses, amplify minority voices within the hemp space, and hold the USHR and its members accountable for inclusive practices.

The USHR MEC’s mission is simple – to create an equitable and impactful hemp industry for all. Read the full MEC mission statement here.

In August, the USHR Board of Directors unanimously adopted an equity and inclusion framework developed by the Annie E. Casey Foundation. In doing so, the Roundtable and its member companies and organizations committed to a multi-year, continually adapting program to promote racial equity and inclusion throughout the U.S. hemp industry.

Our first step in fulfilling this commitment was hosting a complimentary webinar in December 2020, to empower farmers of colors and minority owned businesses with the tools they need to succeed in the cannabis industry.

With the goal of continuing to support small and minority-owned hemp businesses and to amplify opportunities for involvement and participation within the hemp industry, the USHR’s MEC— again in cooperation with the MCBA — will host another FREE live webinar, on June 22nd from 2pm- 3pm EDT to provide essential information, education, and resources for those with, or seeking to start a business in the hemp and CBD space.

We would love to have you tune in to the discussion as our expert panelists discuss the following topics:

  1. Navigating regulatory compliance;
    • Where to start and how
    • Useful resources
    • FDA, USDA, DEA basics
  2. Labeling
    • Appropriate vs. inappropriate health claims
    • Labeling requirements differ state to state- how to track
  3. Future projections for compliance (FDA, USDA, DEA)