September 18, 2020
Great News for U.S. Farmers – Hemp is now Eligible for CFAP!

We did it!
This morning, the USDA announced the release of another $14 billion under the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP), and this time, hemp farmers are eligible to apply.
Earlier this spring, the first tranche of CFAP funds were made available to U.S. farmers, but hemp was excluded from the list. Hemp Supporters across the country joined us in a comprehensive effort to secure CFAP dollars for hemp farmers, given the tremendous disruption posed on the industry by the COVID-19 pandemic. (Here was the data-driven, passionate case we made to USDA.)
Questions remain on how these relief dollars are being calculated. We will remain vigilant to ensure that hemp growers receive the maximum benefits possible.
Once again we showed that when we raise our voices, we win! Please help us on our other congressional advocacy efforts at this link.
For details on the CFAP program, and how you can apply for funds, click here.