September 12, 2018
Help Expand Hemp Legalization in California

We’d like your help. Will you send an e-mail to CA Governor Jerry Brown in support of hemp?
Last month, the California General Assembly overwhelmingly passed SB1409, which would dramatically expand the hemp industry in the Golden State. Under the strong sponsorship of Senator Scott Wilk, SB 1409 helps reconcile California’s current laws with the federal Farm Bill. In so doing, SB 1409 would unleash a dramatic expansion of hemp farming and hemp businesses in the nation’s largest state.
The bill sits on Governor Jerry Brown’s desk, awaiting his signature. Gov. Brown will be retiring soon after an extraordinary career in public service, and signing this bill will further illustrate his commitment to agriculture generally and hemp specifically.
We need your help. Wherever you live, please forward this email and our portal link to all of your friends, customers, colleagues, and social media contacts in California, urging them to do the same. As discussed, our separate efforts are ongoing to ensure that hemp products, such as hemp-derived CBD, can be sold at retail in California stores.
This bill will not solve this issue, but will be an important step to move California into the right direction. We will keep you updated on the ongoing CBD battle in the coming weeks.