August 10, 2020
Help Provide Flexibility for Hemp Farmers
As we’ve shared in earlier communications, the USDA’s initial foray into regulating the growth and processing of hemp has caused some heartburn for U.S. hemp farmers. It’s an industry consensus that the agency’s Interim Final Rule (IFR) does not provide the kind of flexibility on issues like THC testing, hot hemp disposal, and plant sampling that farmers need in order to successfully profit from their hemp crops. That’s why nearly two dozen state hemp programs have chosen to continue to operate under the authorizations provided by the 2014 Farm Bill, which are more flexible than the IFR.
The bad news is that the ability of states to operate under the 2014 program expires at the end of September. The good news is that the U.S. House of Representatives included language in its agriculture appropriations bill that would extend that flexibility through September 2021. This would give the USDA sufficient time to improve its rules, and even Congress time to make necessary legislative fixes.
Hemp Supporters, we need your help!
The agriculture appropriations bill now is being considered by the U.S. Senate. Please contact your Senators today to urge them to include the House’s language in the final bill.
As always, our online portal makes it super easy to connect with your Senators – the link will direct you to our federal action center; type in your zip code, and an addressed email automatically populates for your personalization.