January 24, 2020
Help Us Pass Pro-Hemp Bills in Kentucky, Hawaii and Washington State

As legislatures have returned to business in the new year, dozens of important hemp and CBD bills are being offered. In the coming weeks, we will highlight some of the key legislation, and encourage Hemp Supporters to use our State Action Center to contact their legislators. Today, we raise awareness of three critical state efforts:
The Aloha State’s Department of Health has been taking one of the toughest stances against CBD: claiming that it cannot be marketed as a dietary supplement or food or beverage additive, and threatening legal action against its retail sale. Fortunately, SB 2050 was recently introduced in the Hawaii Senate that would establish a regulatory framework for such products. While Roundtable lobbyists are working on improving certain elements of the bill, the legislation is already favorable in that it conclusively establishes that products containing CBD are not considered adulterated food, beverage or cosmetics. This would therefore permit the regulated sale of hemp CBD as a dietary supplement and food/beverage additive. Hawaii Hemp Supporters are encouraged to use our State Action Center to encourage state legislators to support SB 2050.
As discussed earlier this week, hemp policy in Kentucky often serves as a national bellwether. That’s why HB 236 – which recently passed Kentucky House of Representatives – is important. The bill addresses a critical national concern — allowing the transfer of material in excess of 0.3% THC between licensed processing locations. The bill also improves requirements for testing THC which will help address the growing laboratory backlog. Kentucky Hemp Supporters are encouraged to use our State Action Center to encourage State Senators to support HB 236.
Last year, Washington State passed legislation to explicitly permit the retail sale of hemp-derived CBD as a dietary supplement; however, the bill also prohibited CBD as an additive to food and beverage products. The recently introduced HB 2296 would establish that a food is not adulterated solely by the inclusion of hemp, including cannabinoids, extracts, or derivatives of hemp. The state would also be prohibited from restricting processing of hemp for use in foods. Washington State Hemp Supporters are encouraged to use our State Action Center to encourage State Senators to support HB 2296.
If you do not hail from any of these states, but know people that do, please share this email with your friends, colleagues and social media contacts. When we raise our voices, we win!