May 17, 2018
Hemp Farming Act Update

We wanted to give you a quick update on action in Washington – and enlist your help in getting permanent hemp legalization across the finish line.Passing legislation in the US Capitol has been compared often to making sausage. We prefer the analogy to a three-dimensional game of chess – every action results in multiple strategic consequences.
The hemp industry is lucky that our most powerful champion is DC’s greatest chess master – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. Even those who disagree with McConnell’s politics acknowledge that he is one of the most effective legislative strategists of the modern era. The Leader’s current strategy is to take the language from his Hemp Farming Act of 2018 (S.2667) and attach it to the Senate version of the 2018 Farm Bill. The Farm Bill is a must-pass piece of legislation – it provides for critical agricultural needs such as crop insurance and also funds the food stamp program. The previous Farm Bill expires on September 30, 2018, so most political watchers expect the 2018 version to pass before that deadline.
By attaching S.2667 to a piece of legislation that must pass, McConnell understands that its chances are far, far more favorable that a stand-alone bill, especially in our polarized era where so few individual pieces of legislation pass. This morning, House leaders determined that there will be no significant hemp language on the House version of the 2018 Farm Bill. There are a variety of political explanations, but ultimately, this should not be considered a setback for our efforts. Far from it. Indeed, when the House and Senate meet in a conference committee to reconcile their two versions of the Farm Bill, we are very optimistic that the Senate version will prevail.
There is no one of Leader McConnell’s stature or influence pushing against us. Indeed, we believe that strong majorities in both chambers support our cause. However, it is ever more important for Members of Congress to understand the issue and know where we stand. Please TODAY, contact your Senators and Congressman and urge them to co-sponsor the Hemp Farming Act of 2018.
Please follow this link to our state action portal which makes it so easy for you to send a personal message to your elected representatives– it shouldn’t take more than two minutes. And please TODAY, share this email, and share our portal with your friends, colleagues, customers and social media contacts – urging them to help us engage our grassroots army on behalf of the permanent legalization of hemp.