February 24, 2023
IMMEDIATE Action Needed in VA and New Bills in KY & NE

Check out the latest legislative updates across the states and take action today!
As you know, we’ve been tracking two bills in Virginia—SB 903 and HB 2294—one of which would limit hemp products to 2 mg total THC per package and one of which would limit hemp products that contain any amount of THC to persons 21 or older. Stakeholders alike fear that the bills will decimate the hemp and hemp products industries in Virginia – especially the THC limits language that would criminalize most all non-intoxicating full-spectrum hemp extracts. The bills have been on a fast-track, have now passed both legislative chambers, and will be reconciled soon by a conference committee. The good news is that changes to the bills are still possible.
Virginia Hemp Supporters—please join our friends at the Virginia Hemp Coalition and urge lawmakers to oppose the THC milligram limit, age restriction, and other undue restrictions in SB 903 and HB 2294.
In the Bluegrass State, HB 348 would criminalize intoxicating products like delta-8. This is in contrast to Governor Andy Beshear’s Executive Order last year and guidance issued by the Department of Public Health last week allowing delta-8 products to be sold subject to Kentucky’s existing permit, testing, and label requirements for consumable hemp products.
We prefer a middle ground approach as outlined in this proposed regulatory framework. Rather than banned outright, our view is that intoxicating products should be subject to strict regulations that encourage safety and ensure the products are marketed appropriately and kept out of the hands of children.
We encourage Kentucky Hemp Supporters to use our State Action Center to ask legislators to oppose HB 348 and enact a scheme that can be used as a model around the country.
Lastly, in Nebraska, LB263 is a common-sense and important bill that would harmonize the Nebraska Hemp Act with current federal law in the USDA’s Final Rule.
Hemp Supporters in Nebraska are encouraged to use our State Action Center to urge legislators to pass the bill and help it overcome the lack of attention it received during last year’s session.