October 24, 2018
Let’s Roll the Hemp Tide in Alabama!

While progress continues to be made for permanent hemp legalization at the federal and state level, we continue to see periodic efforts to ban hemp and hemp products, often because of confusion with its controversial cousin, marijuana.
The latest brouhaha is taking shape in Alabama, where a regional drug task force and a group of local prosecutors have declared that all cannabidiol (CBD) products, even those derived from hemp, are illegal. Worse, some have threatened a “crackdown” on retail store owners who continue to sell these products.
Contrasting statements by leading officials haven’t helped – in this article, the Attorney General suggests that all CBD products are illegal for retail sale (WRONG!), while the Jefferson County Sheriff argues that THC-free CBD is legal (CORRECT!). Amidst this state of confusion and threat of prosecution, it is essential that Hemp Supporters leap into action.
As lawmakers work on drafting a bill for next year’s legislative session, we encourage all Alabamans to reach out to their state representatives and senators. If you are a resident or business owner in Alabama, please use our portal to sign a petition to encourage state lawmakers to support legislation that will ensure that hemp-derived CBD can be sold in retail outlets.
Even if you do not hail from the Yellowhammer State yourself, please share this petition with your friends, colleagues, customers and social media contacts in Alabama – help us build our Hemp Supporter army to assist us in this battle which will have a national impact. ROLL HEMP TIDE!