February 08, 2022
NEW! Bill Introduced To Improve US Hemp Production Rules

Huge news for hemp from Capitol Hill!
Today, Rep. Chellie Pingree (D-ME) announced long-awaited landmark legislation to address unresolved complications imposed by the 2018 Farm Bill hemp provisions. The Hemp Advancement Act of 2022 aims to provide greater clarity and flexibility to hemp growers and processors.
Under the current regulatory regime established by the 2018 Farm Bill, hemp growers and processors often struggle to navigate THC testing and transportation requirements. Meanwhile, consumers are often confused by products being marketed as hemp which are more appropriately sold in adult-use cannabis channels.
The simple, straightforward provisions within The Hemp Advancement Act of 2022 would help make it easier and more profitable for U.S. farmers to grow hemp, while ensuring that consumers of hemp are protected against unsafe products. Further, aspiring hemp farmers who have made mistakes in their past but have paid time for their transgressions are barred from growing a safe and promising crop. If passed, The Hemp Advancement Act of 2022 would —
(1) Raise the legal THC threshold for hemp in the field from 0.3% delta-9 THC to 1.0% total THC, providing farmers with needed flexibility to avoid having to destroy fields of “hot” hemp (hemp material that tests above the legal THC threshold)
(2) Revise the legal THC threshold for consumable hemp products from 0.3 % delta-9 THC to 0.3% total THC, providing separate regulatory pathways for non-intoxicating hemp and intoxicating adult-use cannabis products
(3) Provide additional protections for the processing and transportation of “hot” hemp
(4) Remove the DEA monopoly on registering laboratories for testing hemp
(5) Repeal the controversial drug felon ban which prevents most persons with a felony drug-related conviction from obtaining a hemp license
We are deeply grateful to Congresswoman Chellie Pingree for her strong leadership in spearheading this legislation on behalf of hemp growers, processors, and consumers nationwide. The U.S. Hemp Roundtable is proud to have led a broad-based industry effort to propose the policies that underlie this legislation and to have worked closely with Rep. Pingree’s excellent staff throughout the drafting process to ensure our concerns were taken into consideration. Rep. Pingree’s vision and tenacity will make a significant and meaningful difference for our emerging industry.
In September 2021, members of the U.S Hemp Roundtable were privileged to an exclusive preview of the bill and Q&A session with Congresswoman Pingree during a private virtual fly-in. Watch the full session on the U.S. Hemp Roundtable USHempTV YouTube channel:
Stay tuned to participate in our advocacy efforts supporting passage of The Hemp Advancement Act!
In the meantime, check out this national press coverage of the bill announcement:
Maine Lawmaker Introduces Federal Hemp Advancement Act In Congress (Forbes)
Bill Introduced to Raise THC Limit in Hemp to One Percent (High Times)
Pingree Unveils Bill to Unburden Hemp Industry (Press Release)
Pingree introduces hemp bill (The Fence Post)
New Federal Bill Aims to Raise THC Limit in Hemp to 1% (Cannabis Business Times)