November 29, 2018

Red Alert in Michigan!

Whether you are a Wolverine or a Spartan, the time to act for hemp is NOW.

This summer, a Michigan agency declared illegal the retail sale of hemp-derived CBD. With the Roundtable’s drafting input and hearing testimony, two bills were soon introduced and passed the House almost unanimously: House Bill 6330 which dramatically expands Michigan’s hemp program, and House Bill 6331 which clarifies that popular products such as hemp-derived CBD should not be treated as controlled substances. 

Next Tuesday, December 4, these bills will be heard by the Senate Judiciary Committee in Lansing. We need your help to ensure that they are passed by the Committee, and the full Senate without amendment. This is the best chance to secure final passage before the end of the year Our online portal empowers Michigan residents to send an email directly to their state senator, urging them to vote for House Bills 6330 and 6331.

If you are a resident or business owner in Michigan, please use our portal TODAY to send an email to your state senator. Our online portal makes it super easy – even if you don’t know who represents you in Lansing, type in your zip code and an editable email will populate that will be sent directly to your senator with a click of a button. Even if you do not hail from the Wolverine State yourself, please share our portal with your friends, colleagues, customers and social media contacts in Michigan – help us build our Hemp Supporter armies to assist us in this battle which will have a national impact. When we share our voice, we win!