December 03, 2020
Strengthening the New York Hemp/Cannabinoid Regulations

As we let you know in October, the New York Department of Health issued proposed regulations for hemp extract and cannabinoid hemp products such as CBD that are among the most progressive and comprehensive in the nation. We are deeply grateful to Governor Cuomo and his excellent team for exercising their strong national leadership on behalf of hemp farmers and businesses.
Of course, the devil’s in the details, and we appreciate the opportunity to offer our feedback on how to best improve and strengthen these rules which could be a model for the country.
Yesterday, we filed detailed comments in which we offered amendments and proposed revisions to the draft regulations. We advocated for changes to labeling and packaging requirements to make them more consistent with federal standards. We argued for clearer definitions for key concepts such as “broad spectrum” and “full spectrum” products. We pushed for more regulatory flexibility when it comes to potentially burdensome requirements for retail licenses, labeling, and laboratory testing.
Read our full comments here.
It’s now your turn. If you are a resident of, or do business in, New York State, we strongly encourage you to file your own comments. Please feel free to echo ours, and/or identify other important issues that we may have missed. Your voice matters, so please share your thoughts with the New York Department of Health by no later than January 11, 2021. Together, we can ensure that New York’s final rules are among the best in the United States.