September 13, 2021
USHempTV – FDA NDIN Rejections and Regulatory Pathways for Hemp-Derived CBD

On the latest episode of US Hemp TV, Michael McGuffin, President of the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA), joined U.S. Hemp Roundtable General Counsel, Jonathan Miller, to discuss the recent New Dietary Ingredient Notifications (NDINs) submitted on behalf of hemp-derived extracts rejected by the U.S. Federal Drug Administration (FDA) and the possible regulatory pathways for products containing these ingredients. Urge Congress to Regulate CBD now! Visit to contact your members of Congress to pass legislation requiring the FDA to regulate CBD now using the easy-to-use take action center.
About Michael McGuffin
Michael McGuffin has served as the President of the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA) since 1999 and a member of the Board of Trustee’s for 10 years prior. He has been active in the herbal industry since 1974, having owned both retail and manufacturing businesses in this field. A leading expert on dietary supplement regulation, Mr. McGuffin has represented the herbal industry at state and federal hearings on herbal regulatory issues. Learn more about Michael McGuffin:…