March 26, 2021
What’s happening with all those hemp bills?

Because some legislative sessions are starting to wind down, we’re focusing this week on the status of bills that we’ve highlighted in the new year. Thanks to your consistent efforts, there’s been good progress in many states. And in other cases, there’s work left to do as time is running out.
Good Bills Where Your Support is Making the Difference
Montana: HB 396 would clarify that adding any form of hemp or hemp-derived substance to pet and animal feed is legal. The bill passed both legislative chambers—and only got one “Nay” vote along the way! It’s in the final enrolling steps, then on its way to Governor Gianforte.
South Dakota: We urged Hemp Supporters to advocate for HB 1203, which authorizes banks to engage with the hemp industry. We also asked you to support HB 1228, which legalizes growing hemp in smaller locations and greenhouses, removes the requirement for a transportation permit, and makes other improvements. Both bills passed the legislature and are on the Governor’s desk. This is a Governor that may need a push, so your advocacy in the coming days can get them across the finish line.
Utah: We identified SB 39 as an improved and well-designed hemp extract bill that could serve as a model going forward. The bill passed and is on the Governor’s desk waiting to be signed into law.
Good Bills that Still Need Your Help
Alaska: We like SB 27, which requires regulators to allow the manufacturing and retail sale of hemp products and to establish a registration system for hemp program participants. But the bill seems stuck in a Senate committee. We encourage Alaska Hemp Supporters to use our State Action Center to urge state legislators to support SB 27.
Idaho: H0126 would make Idaho the 50th state to legalize hemp production (starting in 2022). The bill passed the House and has already been read two times in the Senate. Idaho Hemp Supporters are encouraged to use our State Action Center to urge state legislators to support H0126.
Iowa: HSB 187 would create strong affirmative defenses to criminal charges related to hemp. The bill needs your help to get out of committee. We encourage Iowa Hemp Supporters to use our State Action Center to urge state legislators to support HSB 187.
Massachusetts: HD 2579 is one of our favorites (and was part of our most popular alert. The bill defines “hemp products” to include consumable and topical products intended for humans and animals. The bill is just starting its legislative journey. We encourage Massachusetts Hemp Supporters to use our State Action Center to urge state legislators to support HD 2579.
Nevada: AB 101 would allow veterinarians to treat animals using non-inhalable products that contain hemp or CBD. The bill passed the state House and is headed to the Senate. We encourage Nevada Hemp Supporters to use our State Action Center to urge state legislators to support AB 101.
Virginia: SB 1115 is a good bill that clarifies that “hemp products” can include raw materials from any part of the plant that are added to foods or beverages. It also removes the unnecessary and confusing requirement that the product be “otherwise lawful.” The bill passed the House but is stalled in the Senate. Virginia Hemp Supporters are encouraged to use our State Action Center to urge state legislators to support SB 1115.
Bad Bills to Keep Your Eye
Connecticut: We shared our opposition to HB 6099, which would require hemp intended to be manufactured into hemp products to be tested by an independent lab in Connecticut. For now, this bill is languishing in the state House. We need to make sure it stays that way. Connecticut Hemp Supporters are encouraged to use our State Action Center to urge state legislators to oppose HB 6099.
Kansas: HB 2244 is an ill-advised bill that would move regulatory authority over hemp from the Kansas Department of Agriculture to the state fire marshal, among other things. Unfortunately, the bill seems poised to pass. Kansas Hemp Supporters to use our State Action Center to urge state legislators to oppose HB 2244.
Montana: SB 381 is a bad bill that would add a unique 4% gross sales tax on hemp-derived CBD. Thankfully, a committee hearing on the bill was canceled recently. We encourage Montana Hemp Supporters to use our State Action Center to urge state legislators to oppose SB 381.