Please support SB 63 and help amend SB 114
PASSED April 24, 2022
SB 63 makes several improvements to Nevada’s hemp program, including authorizing growers to remediate hemp that exceeds the maximum THC concentration.
Nevada law already allows the retail sale of hemp-derived CBD ingestibles, but the state Department of Agriculture has suggested otherwise. SB 114 provides important clarification that Nevada food establishments may add hemp or hemp products to food products.
One aspect of SB 114, however, needs to be amended. The bill authorizes food establishments to purchase hemp and hemp products only from a grower or handler registered in Nevada. We sent a letter to the sponsors of SB 114, urging that they amend SB 114 to allow food establishments to purchase hemp and hemp products from other states with regulated hemp programs.
Please use our portal to encourage Nevada lawmakers to support SB 63 and support an amended version of SB 114. Our portal makes both efforts super easy. Once you input your zip code, the appropriate email or state petition will populate—with your legislators already identified and an editable message prepared. With a simple click of the button, they will hear your voice loud and clear.
Even if you do not hail from Nevada, please share this page with your friends, colleagues, customers, and social media contacts in the state. Help us build our Hemp Supporter armies to assist us in these battles, which have a national impact.