

Urge Governor Little to Sign H0126

PASSED January 01, 2022

H0126 would legalize hemp production in Idaho (starting in 2022). Idaho is the only state that has not legalized hemp production at the state level. Importantly, the bill would also remove hemp and THCs in hemp from the definitions of marijuana and THC, which Idaho’s laws do not currently do. This effort, which has been ongoing for a few years, has now passed the Idaho House and Senate. The bill should be headed to the Governor’s desk soon.


Without doubt, there are notable problems with H0126. For example, the bill would also require hemp transporters to consent to an inspection by police if lawfully stopped while transporting hemp and would allow police to take a sample of the hemp at the transporter’s expense. We would prefer that the bill not include these provisions.


Please use our portal to encourage Governor Brad Little to sign H0126 into law. Our portal makes it super easy. Once you input your zip code, the appropriate email or state petition will populate—with Governor Little’s office already identified and an editable message prepared. With a simple click of the button, the Governor will hear your voice loud and clear.


Even if you do not hail from Idaho, please share this page with your friends, colleagues, customers, and social media contacts in the state. Help us build our Hemp Supporter armies to assist us in these battles, which have a national impact.