March 12, 2021
Cats or Dogs? Hemp is for both!
Here at Roundtable Central, we have a running debate: Cats or Dogs? Meet members of our family: Benji, Beau, Lady, Fiona, Fitz, Bandit, Banksy, and Louise, and decide whether canine or feline rules the roost.

In that spirit, we’re focusing this week on three bills and one regulation that will make hemp products available to our animal best friends:
Florida: Florida currently allows the sale of pet food, feed, treats, and specialty treats that continue hemp extract, subject to labeling and registration requirements. A new draft rule would also allow the distribution and sale of “other hemp extract animal ingestants” that are not food, feed, or treats. We encourage Florida Hemp Supporters—and pet lovers everywhere—to monitor the draft rule through Florida’s rulemaking process.
Massachusetts: We highlighted HD 2579 in a prior alert for its other good provisions. This week, we point out that the bill defines “hemp products” to include consumable and topical products intended for humans and animals and allows CBD to be added to such products. We encourage Massachusetts Hemp Supporters to use our State Action Center to continue urging state legislators to support HD 2579.
Montana: Montana currently allows hemp seeds to be added to animal food or medicated feed. HB 396 would clarify the legality of adding any form of hemp or hemp-derived substance to pet and animal feed. We encourage Montana Hemp Supporters to use our State Action Center to urge state legislators to support HB 396.
Nevada: AB 101 would allow veterinarians to treat animals using non-inhalable products that contain hemp or CBD. This is yet another positive example of the belief in hemp’s ability to improve comfort and wellness. We encourage Nevada Hemp Supporters to use our State Action Center to urge state legislators to support AB 101.