July 26, 2023
Sneak Peek: Testimony For Tomorrow’s Historic Hemp Hearing

Tomorrow is the big day! On Thursday, July 27th at 2:00 PM ET, U.S. Hemp Roundtable General Counsel, Jonathan Miller, will testify before the House Oversight and Accountability Committee’s Subcommittee on Health Care and Financial Services during a historic hearing, “Hemp in the Modern World: The Years long Wait for FDA Action.”
As we announced, this is the first time Congress will formally scrutinize the impact of the Food and Drug Administration’s failure to develop a regulatory pathway for the sale of ingestible hemp products such as CBD. It’s a huge step for the hemp industry!
Be sure to tune in!
All Hemp Supporters are encouraged to watch this historic event which will be streamed LIVE below.
We are also sharing Mr. Miller’s written testimony submitted in advance of the hearing for your review!
All written testimonies and official hearing documents will be available to the public in the Committee Repository.
Committee Repository Link:
Help US amplify on social media!
Please also consider promoting and participating in conversations about the hearing on social media! We’ve provided some suggested copy with links and hashtags below. Feel free to make it your own, but be sure you’re tagging US so we can be sure to engage with your posts!
***These posts are crafted for Twitter with limited characters and tags. Please edit the copy and tags for other social outlets you may share on!***
Suggested Social Post #1
Tune in LIVE to witness a historic @GOPoversight hearing on #hemp and #CBD at 2 PM ET tomorrow 7/27! This is the FIRST TIME Congress will formally scrutinize the @US_FDA for its failure to regulate hemp-derived CBD. #RegulateCBDNow #hemphearing
*Remember to change “tomorrow” to “today” if posted on the day of the hearing.
Suggested Social Post #2
TODAY 7/27 @ 2 PM ET witness #hemp history as @HempRoundtable General Counsel @RecoveringPol testifies at the FIRST Congressional hearing on the failure of @US_FDA to regulate #CBD products. Tune in and share your feedback! #RegulateCBDNow #hemphearing
*Remember to change “today” to “tomorrow” if posted on the day before the hearing.
Suggested Social Post #3
Excited to watch @HempRoundtable General Counsel @RecoveringPol represent US during the FIRST Congressional hearing addressing the @US_FDA and its failure to regulate #CBD products TODAY 7/27 @ 2 PM ET. Tune in LIVE! #RegulateCBDNow #hemphearing
*Remember to change “today” to “tomorrow” if posted on the day before the hearing.
Exclusive Webinar For HempSupporter+ Subscribers and Members

Next week, on Tuesday, August 1st at 1:00 PM ET we are offering our members and HempSupporter+ subscribers an exclusive recap of the hearing from Mr. Miller along with a mid-year progress update. Those that tune in will also be able to participate in a Q&A session! Click here for more details and learn how to sign up for a HempSupporter+ subscription today.