Help Oppose HB 1973
PASSED January 01, 2024
HB 1973 is meant to distinguish between non-intoxicating hemp products and intoxicating adult-use cannabis, but their many concerning provisions would jeopardize the hemp and CBD industries in Virginia. HB 1973 would create rigorous, adult-only limitations for hemp products that contain any level of THC—even safe, non-intoxicating products. These kinds of restrictions would place severe economic burdens on hemp manufacturers and farmers.
Please use our portal to urge lawmakers to oppose HB 1973. Our portal makes it super easy. Once you input your zip code, the appropriate email or state petition will populate—with your legislators’ office already identified and an editable message prepared. With a simple click of the button, lawmakers will hear your voice loud and clear.
Even if you do not hail from Virginia, please share this page with your friends, colleagues, customers, and social media contacts in the state. Help us build our Hemp Supporter armies to assist us in these battles, which have a national impact.