

Help us defeat bad provisions in HB 336!

PASSED April 04, 2021

HB 336 has some good elements, but when it comes to how it treats license eligibility, it goes too far. The bill would deny a hemp license to any person with any felony conviction or a misdemeanor controlled substances conviction. And worse, the licensure ban would be permanent. These licensure disqualifications are far more restrictive than the limited felony conviction ban in the 2018 Farm Bill.
Please use our portal to encourage Georgia lawmakers to give would-be hemp producers a second chance by opposing the bill. Our portal makes it super easy. Once you input your zip code, the appropriate email or state petition will populate—with your legislators already identified and an editable message prepared. With a simple click of the button, they will hear your voice loud and clear.
Even if you do not hail from Georgia, please share this page with your friends, colleagues, customers, and social media contacts in the state. Help us build our Hemp Supporter armies to assist us in these battles, which have a national impact.