Federal Action

House Farm Bill and FY/25 Appropriation Bills Contain Hemp-Killing Language: Contact your members of Congress today!

The infamous Mary Miller Amendment (discussed in detail here) has now been attached to two separate pieces of legislation: The House Farm Bill and the FY 25 Agriculture/FDA Appropriations bill – the bill that funds all agriculture programs. There is a long way before either bill could become law, and we will have plenty of time to educate policymakers.

But your members of Congress need to hear from you now. Senators on the Agriculture Committee need to be urged to reject any effort to include the Mary Miller Amendment when the Farm Bill is discussed in that chamber. All U.S. Representatives need to be advised to support efforts to remove the Mary Miller Amendment from both bills on the House floor.

You might not know whether your Members of Congress serve on the relevant committees. But we do! 

Just use our portal, type in your zip code and messages will populate to appropriate leaders on Capitol Hill. Please personalize your message – those are much more effective than form letters.

We also need your help to keep the pressure on Congress.

Even if you have sent an email, please take another opportunity to petition your Member of Congress to urge him or her support efforts to excise the Mary Miller Amendment from the 2024 Farm Bill and from FY 25 appropriations legislation.

Step 1: Send a Letter