Protect Hemp Products in Montana!
Montana’s HB 49 would ban the sale of most hemp products. The bill states that hemp and hemp products may not exceed 0.5mg of total delta-9 THC per serving and may not exceed 2mg of delta-9 THC per package.
Banning hemp products is a step backwards. A ban will reduce economic opportunities for hemp farmers and small businesses and take products away from consumers who have come to rely on them for their health and wellness.
Rather than ban hemp-derived THC products, please ask legislators to consider a regulatory framework which models what many other states have chosen—stronger enforcement, licensing for manufacturers and sellers, independent testing of hemp products, adequate labeling which prohibits child-enticing images, and age restrictions for consumable hemp products. Rather than banning hemp THC products, these reasonable restrictions ensure that adult consumers have direct access to the products they need, while keeping intoxicating products out of the hands of children.